1 12:18:53.797 '23221917': ping failed 0 12:18:54.594 '23221917': login on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live SH5 (DC18-1) (ping: 252.93 ms) 0 12:18:56.422 '23221917': login datacenter on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live SH5 (DC18-1) (ping: 252.93 ms) 0 12:18:57.140 '23221917': previous successful authorization performed from 0 12:19:03.125 '23221917': auto connecting to a better access point London Live Azure (DC18-1) (ping is 190.88 ms) 0 12:19:03.937 '23221917': login on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live Azure (DC18-1) (ping: 190.88 ms) 0 12:19:05.453 '23221917': login datacenter on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live Azure (DC18-1) (ping: 190.88 ms) 0 12:19:06.156 '23221917': previous successful authorization performed from 1 14:34:42.073 '23221917': connect failed [ûÓÐÁ¬½Ó] 0 14:36:50.276 '23221917': login on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live INX (DC18-1) (ping: n/a) 0 14:37:04.182 '23221917': login datacenter on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live INX (DC18-1) (ping: n/a) 0 14:37:05.136 '23221917': previous successful authorization performed from 0 14:37:09.167 '23221917': auto connecting to a better access point London Live Azure (DC18-1) (ping is 190.62 ms) 0 14:37:09.854 '23221917': login on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live Azure (DC18-1) (ping: 190.62 ms) 0 14:37:31.120 '23221917': login datacenter on FOREX.comGlobalCN-Live 118 through London Live Azure (DC18-1) (ping: 190.62 ms) 0 14:37:31.839 '23221917': previous successful authorization performed from